Frequently Asked Questions
Why monsters?
When I first started making pottery, I tried to be…well, normal. I made plates and bowls like I saw everyone else doing. But, one day while attempting to make a sculpture, I realized that if I made a monster, I could make it look as weird as I wanted. Humans sort of always need to look like humans, but monsters can be anything you can imagine. From that moment on, I made whatever popped into my head. My monsters have evolved from being smaller and more simplistic, into larger and more joyful versions of themselves that I am able to work on for weeks at a time.
Do you sell online?
I currently sell in-person at local Bay Area markets and at one local store - Poet and/the Bench in Mill Valley. If you sign up for my email list below, you’ll get notifications when new stock is in store and when I’ll be at upcoming markets! (Plus if I ever take the plunge and open an online store, you’ll hear about that too!)
Do you take commissions?
I don’t take commissions with my current workload and creative flow. The monster process is a mysterious and strange one that I find it best not to mettle with, it comes and goes as it will.
Do you sell wholesale?
No, I make monsters in very small batches because the monster process is a slow one. And I only sell at select local Bay Area retail stores. If you’re a fun, small Bay Area store, feel free to reach out and we can talk!
What is the “monster process”?
Each and every step of monster making is done by hand — every monster is hand built out of clay, individual pieces are sculpted and then attached by hand. The monster is also hand painted and glazed, they're never just dunked into a glaze (dunking upsets them, no one likes being dunked). And at the very end, the monster gets a unique name and original story to help make them feel ready to go out into the world and be adopted.
Because of all of these steps, every monster is one of a kind! Depending on size, on average they take about a month to complete, from first concept to finished product.